You know how when you meet the perfect person, everything ends with happily every after? The happy couple rides off into the sunset, in their SUV, and everything is just so grand? They go on to have 3.2 kids, a large but friendly dog, great careers with no work-life balance problems and life is swell. That’s how it works, right?
Except it doesn’t.
The kids come along and you’re so damn tired. His mother is awful. She cheated. Her friends meddle. He’s never home. Maybe you’re starting to feel more like roommates. Or you feel constantly misunderstood and you repeat the same old fights over and over and over again. And then some more. Maybe the D word has popped into your head?
No lasting, successful relationship happens without some conflict and struggle. Relationships need to grow and change to stay healthy. You’re definitely not alone. Before calling it quits or settling for less, let us help you figure things out.
Relationships are work and they’re worth it. Married, living together, never together but co-parenting, gay or straight, we work with couples to figure out where things are at and find healthier ways of interacting and growing together.
It is time for you to discover new ways to reconnect with your partner. It is time to get unstuck.
And if, after exploring what’s happening and working towards change, you decide it’s time to separate, we can help with that, too. Even separation can be healthy when it’s done mindfully and with intention.
506-346-2655 or email us at info@southernontariocounsellingservices.com